What State Housing Policies Do Voters Want? Evidence from a Platform-Choice Experiment. A tacit assumption of YIMBY (``Yes In My Backyard'') activists is that more public attention to housing affordability will engender more support for their policy agenda of removing regulatory barriers to dense market-rate housing. Yet recent research finds that the mass public has little conviction that more housing supply would improve affordability, which in turn raises questions about the depth of public support for supply-side policies (2024)

Investors are breaking the housing market. Bipartisan response is needed to Wall Street’s housing spree. (2023)

Texas’ poorest renters face a shortage of 679,000 rental homes they can actually afford. the private market cannot address the problem of providing affordable housing for low income residents. (2024)

The Auckland upzoning myth: Response to comments. We identified three major flaws in a landmark paper about the construction effects of upzoning. No-one disagreed with these flaws. Now we respond to three new questions. This scholarly piece that refutes the claim, based on Auckland’s upzoning, that upzoning produces more housing and lowers prices. (2023)

LA neighborhoods fight back against up zoning. (2023)